The Central Headlight is the official journal of and published by the New York Central Historical Society, Inc. Address all material and articles to:
R. L. Stoving, Editor
264 Dartt Settlement Road
Wellsboro, PA 16901-8388
We welcome all submissions, and invite your contributions to our magazine. We cannot emphasize too strongly our continuing need to receive well-researched and well-written feature articles for our magazine, and we urge all of our members to contribute to this effort. Otherwise, there can be no Central Headlight. All submissions become the property of NYCSHS, Inc. and will be held on file for future use.
For The Modeler
Items and questions directed to the "For The Modeler" column should be sent to:
James M. Benedict, NYCSHS
PO Box 374
New Canaan, CT 06840-0374
The Tack Board
Items and questions for "The Tack Board" column should be sent to:
R. L. Stoving, Editor
264 Dartt Settlement Road
Wellsboro, PA 16901-8388
Passenger Car Roster Information
Hugh T. Guillaume has reviewed the classification books and microfilm records in the NYCSHS archives and has developed a large data base of NYC passenger car roster information. He will be pleased to field questions about passenger car numbering and renumbering, rebuildings, etc. However, he must restrict this service to specific questions and must have a road name, car number and/or lot number as a starting point. General questions, such as “Tell me about Big Four diners,” cannot be answered. The time frame of the available data is 1870 to 1968, although the early data is less complete. When requesting this service, please send Mr. Guillaume a stamped self-addressed #10 envelope; otherwise no reply can be made.
NYC Passenger Car Roster Information
Hugh T. Guillaume
160 Parkledge Dr.
Amherst, NY 14226-3925
Photograph Listing
Listings of the locations of published photographs of specific NYCS equipment or sites is available. These will be sorted from a data base of over 14,000 entries. Inquiries can be accommodated for locomotive sub-classes, equipment lot numbers, specific engine or car names/numbers, towns, cities or stations. Copies of the bibliography, abbreviation list and a preliminary response will be furnished. Please send a large #10 SASE with your request.
NYC Photograph Listing
Kent Singer
146 Barrington Rd.
Pooler, GA 3 1322-9434
Classified Ads
There is no charge for NYCSHS members for this service for ads of 50 words or less, exclusive of address. Over 50 words, there is a charge of 25 cents per word, per issue. Non-member rate is 50 cents per word per issue, exclusive of address. Items for the Classified Ads column should be sent to:
Central Headlight Classified Ads
264 Dartt Settlement Road
Wellsboro, PA 16901-8388
Address Changes
Send all address changes, at least 60 days in advance of effective date, to:
NYCSHS Membership
P. O. Box 81184
Cleveland, OH 44181-0184
Address changes must be submitted in the standard USPS format. Please see www.usps.com for details. It is extremely important that you keep the Society informed of your current address, as the USPS will not forward publications, including Central Headlight, which are sent under a bulk mailing permit. The Society does not re-mail magazines returned to us on account of a change of address. Members who miss issues on account of failure to notify us of change of address may order replacement copies at the back issue price. See instructions under “Back Issues.”
Central Headlight Back Issues
Address all orders for back issues of Central Headlight to:
James C. Suhs, NYCSHS Secretary
17038 Roosevelt Ave.
Lockport, IL 60441-4734
The price of back issues is $8.00 per copy, postpaid. Copies of all 2007, 2006, and 2005 issues are available, as well as a limited number of earlier issues. A listing of available earlier issues, 1985-2004, may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Secretary Suhs at the address given above.
NEW! Bound Reprint of the First Five Years of Central Headlight
These issues have been out of print for many years and are sought after by many to complete their Central Headlight collections. Issues comprise the complete New York Central System Historical Society Central Headlight magazine from 1970 (The society's founding) through the end of 1974. Approximately 160 pages, reprints of the original newsletters, Headlights and articles, embellished with additional color photos. Here are some highlights:
- Volume 1 - NYC 800 - HS-1a 4-8-4, P&LE 91st Birthday, M-497
- Volume 2 - Inspection Loco Cleveland, Cleveland Union Terminal
- Volume 3 - The Mercury, NYC 119 Years Ago, X-660 Rotary Snow Plow Diesel Roster: Pt 1 FM, NYC X-8016
- Volume 4 - Motor Car Roster, NYC oval and application, Surviving NYC Steam, 999
NYCSHS Headlight Reprint
Dept W
17038 Roosevelt Ave
Lockport, IL 60441-4734