2009 Convention Hotel Update
A reminder to convention attendees that in order to get the Convention Rate advertised, reservations need to be made directly with the Geneva Lakefront Ramada. The phone number is (800) 990-0907 and you must mention the NYCSHS Convention. There is a wedding booked for the same weekend, so make your reservations early!
1946: Sleep Secrets of the Water Level Route

"Before retiring, you've had a delicious, leisurely meal in the dining car... enjoyed refreshments and a quiet game or chat in the club lounge... then read yourself to sleep by your handy bed light."
A bed to dream of (and on)
"In this roomy, six-foot plus bed, you float off to sleep on a deep rubber-foam mattress that puts Grandma's "feather puff" to shame!"
Click on the image to see a larger version of the advertisement.
1946: Passenger's Choice for the Coach of Tomorrow

"Fighters, service wives, business men... these were some of the wartime passengers New York Central asked to become its post-war plans committee. And how they responded! Thousands answered questionnaires telling what they wanted in future trains... choosing from newly developed ideas and from features no on latest Central coaches. The car visualized here reflects the choice of those passenger-planners. And now this wartime guidance is helping New York Central's designers and engineers plan new trains that will mean more jobs and finer travel in the years of peace ahead."
Click on the image to see a larger version of the advertisement.
2007 Annual Convention Photos
The 2007 NYCSHS Annual Convention was held in Niagara Falls, New York, and featured an excursion on the Falls Road Railroad (former NYC Falls Road) as one of its activities. Here are some photos and artifacts provided by Bill Strassner.
A section of the NYC 1944 Public Timetable - covering the Falls Road.
Collection of Bill Strassner
Medina, New York on the Falls Road back when. Collection of Bill Strassner

A postcard view of the once gorgeous Lockport, NY station on the Falls Road. After some years of private commercial use, it suffered a fire that destroyed it. Current owners are pushing for rebuilding and restoration. Collection of Bill Strassner
A postcard view of Medina, NY station on the Falls Road, note train order semaphore type signals. Collection of Bill Strassner
The crowd in front of the Buffalo Central Terminal listening to the history and ongoing restoration work. Photo by Bill Strassner

Collection of Bill Strassner

2009 Convention: Finger Lakes Railway Excursion

2009 Convention and Hotel Activities
Convention Registration at Hotel
Friday Evening 7:00-10:00pm
- Model Clinics (TBA)
- Speakers/Photo Presentations (TBA)
- FGLK trip 8:00am-5:00pm
- Evening Banquet – 6:00-7:30pm
- Keynote Speaker (TBA) – 7:30pm
- Additional Presentations – follows keynote
- Annual Meeting of NYCSHS (open to membership or registered Convention attendees) – follows speaker
- Model Train Show at Hotel - 9:00-1:00
- Speaker Presentations (TBA) – 10:00-2:00
- Model Contest Judging
Registration Fee: NYCSHS Members (including family members and spouses) $95.00 for all activities, including Finger Lakes Railway excursion, Evening Banquet, and Train Show Admission. Non-members can register at $95.00 plus $35.00 extra. The extra fee covers membership in the Society for one year, including all rights and benefits, including a year of the Central Headlight. Late registration for NYCSHS members after March 1 is $110.00. Rooms are at the Ramada Lakefront in Geneva, NY. Rooms can be reserved at the special NYCSHS rate of $89.00, you must mention the NYCSHS Convention to get the rate. Early reservations are essential, only 70 rooms are reserved for us on a first come, first served basis. You are responsible for making your own reservations.
Alternate Lodging: Individuals interested in alternate lodging will have to make their own arrangements. Other hotels are available in Geneva, Canandaigua, Penn Yan, Waterloo, as well as Rochester and Syracuse.
Please make your hotel reservations as early as possible to ensure your space! More information posted as it becomes available.
Friday Evening 7:00-10:00pm
- Model Clinics (TBA)
- Speakers/Photo Presentations (TBA)
- FGLK trip 8:00am-5:00pm
- Evening Banquet – 6:00-7:30pm
- Keynote Speaker (TBA) – 7:30pm
- Additional Presentations – follows keynote
- Annual Meeting of NYCSHS (open to membership or registered Convention attendees) – follows speaker
- Model Train Show at Hotel - 9:00-1:00
- Speaker Presentations (TBA) – 10:00-2:00
- Model Contest Judging

Alternate Lodging: Individuals interested in alternate lodging will have to make their own arrangements. Other hotels are available in Geneva, Canandaigua, Penn Yan, Waterloo, as well as Rochester and Syracuse.
Please make your hotel reservations as early as possible to ensure your space! More information posted as it becomes available.
2009 Convention Schedule Update

Friday Afternoon: On-Your-Own Activities
Some admissions fees and preliminary permissions may apply.
1. Lehigh Valley Railroad Historical Society and Depot Museum
Shortsville NY
2. Central New York Chapter-NRHS: Martisco Depot Museum
Martisco NY
3. New York Museum of Transportation and the...
4. Rochester Chapter-NRHS: Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum
Industry, NY
5. Central New York Model Railroad Club and Historical Society
Elbridge/Skaneateles Junction, NY
6. Finger Lakes Railway (permission pending)
Geneva NY
7. Livonia Avon & Lakeville Railroad (permission pending)
Lakeville NY
8. Lake City Hobby
Geneva, NY
9. Despatch Junction Hobbies
East Rochester, NY
10. Central Hobby Supply
Syracuse, NY
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