For issues less than two years old, 1-9 copies:
- $12 per copy to non-members.
- $10 per copy to members.
- $8 per copy, members and non-members.
- $8 per copy, members and non-members.

- PT Tenders
1986 Vol. XVI No. 1
- An Incredible Test: Where Was It?
1986 Vol. XVI No. 3
- Sonoma Train Town's 3" Scale J-1b #5212
- Boston & Albany Milford Branch
1986 Vol. XVI No. 4
- The Hojack in Central New York
1987 Vol. XVII No. 3
- Empire Cars
- Waycars of the Michigan Central Railroad

- Niagaras
- West Side Freight Line
1988 Vol. XVIII No. 3
- The Making of a Legend, Part 1 (Niagaras)
1988 Vol. XVIII No. 4
- Corning, Ohio
- Interludes of Interest at SS 71
- Rail Stress Tests
1989 Vol. XIX No. 2
- Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Ry.
- Central Moved the U.S. Mail
1989 Vol. XIX No. 3
- Afloat on the Great Lakes
- NYC F-12 Ten-Wheelers
1989 Vol. XIX No. 4
- Michigan Central Railroad
- The Kellog Branch
1990 Vol. XX No. 1
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 1
1990 Vol. XX No. 3
- The Fort Wayne Branch Circa 1918
1990 Vol. XX No. 4
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 2
1991 Vol. XXI No. 1
- The Central and the Arts
- The Century Doesn’t Stop Here!
1991 Vol. XXI No. 3
- A Farewell to Steam
- Along the Canada Southern
1991 Vol. XXI No. 4
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 4

- Pacemaker Freight Service
- The Oil Burners on the Peoria & Eastern
1992 Vol. XXII No. 2
- Memories of Harmon
- Coil Steel Gondolas
1992 Vol. XXII No. 3
- Run of Super Hudson #5408
- More Wheels
1992 Vol. XXII No. 4
- Power Situation on the B&A: 1930-1951
- Sharon Yard: NYC to Conrail

- Surviving Steam Update
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 2
- The Great Steel Fleet: 1946-1968
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 3
- The Fabulous 5500
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 4
- Dean of NYC Agents
- Ohio Central Division
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 1
- Corporate History of the Big Four
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 2
- New York City Traffic, Putnam Division
- Big Four and Michigan Central cabooses
- Peoria & Eastern Locomotives
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 3
- Calling Out the Big Hook
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 4
- Early Super Power – B&A A-1
1995 Vol. XXV No. 1
- 1928 Track Plan and Scoop Test
- Englewood Yard and LS-1
- Lake Erie & Pittsburgh
1995 Vol. XXV No. 2
- Punch Brothers, Punch with Care
1995 Vol. XXV No. 3
- NYC at Woodlawn
- NYC Today: The U&D
- Lake Erie & Pittsburgh
1995 Vol. XXV No. 4
- Big Four Engineman
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 1
- Hudson, Michigan station
- Putnam Division photos
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 2
- There is Danger in the Tunnel
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 3
- Three-Cylinder NYC Locomotives
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 4
- Photographs from the NYC Files
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 1
- Several True Tales of the Central’s Rails
1997 Vol XXVII No. 2
- Speed! Explosion of 7408
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 3
- Photographs from the NYC Files
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 4
- Buffalo Central Terminal

- More Photographs from the NYC Files
1998 Vol. XXVIII No. 2
- MDT Refrigerator Cars
1998 Vol. XXVII No. 3
- Edward L. May
- Coasting into Grand Central
1998 Vol. XXVII No. 4
- Grand Central, Lake Shore Limited
- WWII Oil Trains
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 1
- Broken Rails
- Railroad Experiences
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 2
- DeWitt Engine Terminal
- In the Baggage Car Ahead
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 3
- Railroad Experiences, Part 2
- Perishables to Amsterdam
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 4
- Further Photographs from the NYC Files
2000 Vol. XXX No. 1
- The Boston & Worcester and Western Railroads, 1847: Part 1
2000 Vol. XXX No. 2
- Beech Creek District
2000 Vol. XXX No. 3
- The Boston & Worcester and Western Railroads, 1847: Part 2
2000 Vol. XXX No. 4
- The Late Mohawks: Part 1
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 1
- 100 MPH in 1903
- NYC vs. Amtrak
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 2
- The Late Mohawks: Part 2

- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 1
- Boston & Albany Goes to War
- Ahead on Locomotive
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 4
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 2
- Call Out
- Early Tender Classes
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 1
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 3
- 20th Century Limited 100th Anniversary
- NYC 4600-4700 MU Cars
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 2
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 4
- 753rd Railway Shop Battallion
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 3
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 5
- What Might Have Been: 4-6-6-4
- Messengering DES-3s

- Automatic Train Stop on the NYC
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 1
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 6
- 999 Plaque Dedication
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 2
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 7
- Jamestown & Franklin Railroad
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 3
- Tribute to Grand Central Terminal
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 4
- CB&Q 30 on NYC
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 1
- Memories of the NYC in Northern New York
- Photos from the NYC Collection

- Young Lion of the West
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 3
- St. Lawrence, Adirondack, Ontario and Ottawa Divisions
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 4
- Electrification of Suburban Zone: New York City
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 1
- Gulf Curve Reconstruction
- Largest Sleeper Consist
- Photos from the NYC Collection
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 2
- Electrification of the Suburban Zone: New York City; Discussion
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 3
- Timetable No. 37: 1890

- Boater Battles Central
- Last Open Section Car
- Larger Scale
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 1
- My Railroad Career: K.L. Reed
- The Motive Power Situation: 1951
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 2
- The Cleveland Limited
- The Milk Business: St. Lawrence Division
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 3
- NYC Sleeping Car Service
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 8
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 4
- Forty Years of Motive Power Progress
2007 Vol. XXXVII No1.
- The Story of the Empire State Express

- The Beauty Queens, Pt. 1 (Early EMD E7’s)
2007 Vol. XXXVII No. 3
- Steam Locomotive Number Plates Carrying the New York Central Oval
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 1
- Charles A. Erler – Portrait of a Railroad Man
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 2
- The First Trip of the Empire State Express
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 3
- Robert R. Young Takes Aim at New York Central, Pt. 1

2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 1
- Commuting on the Harlem Division
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 2
- Buffalo Central Terminal
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 3
- Papa John (John W. Barriger)
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 4
- The GE Rider, Pt. 1 (Delivery of three new U25B locomotives)
2010 Vol. XL No. 1
- Maurice E. Lewman, Railroader
2010 Vol. XL No. 2
- Dining Aboard the Postwar Great Steel Fleet

- New York Central in 1950 Railroad Industry
2010 Vol. XL No. 4
- The Boston & Albany Railroad Stations of Henery Hobson Richardson
2011 Vol. XLI No 1
- Pennsylvania Division Operations at the Close of the Steam Era; Tales of 466, Pt. 1
2011 Vol. XLI No. 2
- NYC Marine Operations in New York Harbor, Parts 1 and 2; Bringing the Mohawk Home; Tales of 466, Part 2
2011 Vol. XLI No. 3
- Railroading on the Harlem Division with Engineer Robert B. Palmer; Hudson Division Cab Ride; Tales of 466, Part 3
2011 Vol. XLI No. 4
- Steam's Winter Glory; NYC Marine Operations in New York Harbor Part 3; Charlie Hogan Broadcast