NYC U-class 0-8-0 7744 spots a coal hopper at the local dealer in New Paris, Indiana during the summer of 1955. New York Central enthusiast and modeler Jim Six wanted to share these photos from his HO scale Michigan District layout.

A Geep spots a 40-foot boxcar at an industry in New Paris, Indiana in 1955. This PS-1 boxcar is a Kadee model that Jim Six weathered then placed into service on his NYC Michigan District layout. Weathering was done with acrylic washes there were wiped with cotton swabs. An airbrush was used to weather the roof and underside of the model.

NYC F3 1630 and dual-service GP7 5758 lead a train north through New Paris, Indiana in June 1955. While the F-unit is painted in black, the Geep wears two-tone gray paint found on many similar locomotives in the mid-to-late 1950s. The F3 is an Athearn Genesis model that Jim Six detailed and weathered. The Geep is a Proto2000 model that Jim repainted, detailed and weathered. The scene was photographed on Jim's 44x12 HO scale NYC Michigan District.

The Athearn Genesis model makes a great subject for adding prototype detail specific to the New York Central F3. Jim also added a SoundTrax Tsunami DCC sound decoder and speakers. The model sounds as good as it looks.

Both the 1606 and 1630 are Athearn Genesis HO scale models. Jim Six took the factory painted models and added prototype specific detail, touched up the paint, then weathered the models with acrylic washes. The front pilot of the 1606 was removed and replaced with an InterMountain straight, so-called "passenger" pilot. The shroud doors were modeled in the open position.