The latest issue of the Central Headlight is in the mail and on its way to current NYCSHS members!
This issue's lead story is about career of the man pictured on L-3a 3001's pilot - veteran Big Four engineer Maurice Lewman. This issue also features the conclusion of Tom Gerbracht's article as he recalls his experiences as a rider on a delivery of General Electric locomotives to the New York Central in 1965. Also features is another one of Jim Stuart's recollections. This, and other great stories, information and photographs await the reader in the next Central Headlight!
It should be noted that thanks to the efforts of editor Rich Stoving and his volunteer assistants, the Central Headlight is now back "on the advertised!"
NYCSHS members get the current issue mailed to them each quarter! Not a member? Join today! Not sure if you want to become a member? Members and non-members can purchase back issues of the Central Headlight here.