Central Headlight - 3Q 2009

The latest issue of the Central Headlight is in the mail and on its way to current NYCSHS members!
On the cover is a photo of Pittsburgh & Lake Erie K-6a 9249 leading Train #10, getting ready to depart Beaver Falls/New Brighton (PA) eastbound on June 23, 1946.
The lead story for the 3rd Quarter 2009 issue will be a tribute to John W. Barriger III, president of the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie from 1956 to 1964. The issue will also include articles about the Catskill Mountain Branch (of which three operators provide tourist train service in the present day), the last move of the 999 over NYC rails, and the Ohio Blizzard of 1950. Two classic Howard Fogg P&LE postcards grace the rear cover.
The 4th Quarter issue, which should be out in early January, will include articles about NYC's U25B U-boats, the construction of the first T-motor, and kit-bashing an HO Canada Southern caboose.
NYCSHS members get the current issue mailed to them each quarter! Not a member? Join today! Not sure if you want to become a member? If you want to purchase back issues of the Central Headlight, click here.
Central Headlight - 2Q 2009

The latest issue of the Central Headlight is in the mail and on its way to current NYCSHS members!
The cover story commemorates the 80th anniversary of the opening of Buffalo Central Terminal, featuring official construction photos. New York Central's beautiful Art Deco monument opened on the south side of Buffalo, New York just as America was hit hard by the effects of the stock market crash of 1929. When Amtrak left for good in 1979, the building was left derelict, with a lone Conrail dispatching office as tenant. Once Conrail consolidated its offices, the building went through a series of owners and vandalism took its toll. Fortunately, a new grassroots community organization is now fighting hard to clean up the terminal and find a responsible development partner to restore the grand structure to its former glory.
The Central Headlight is only available to members of the New York Central System Historical Society! Not a member? Join today!
2010 NYCSHS Calendar
Access to a wide variety of photograph collections enables the Society to again present an excellent selection of high quality images. On the front color cover, Class S-1b "Niagara" #6019 takes water from the track pan at Lydick, IN while heading the westbound Lake Shore Limited in 1953. The back cover shows the caboose of northbound Switch Run No. 151 at Brookville, IN in 1954. The Brookville station straddles the Whitewater Canal.
Calendar Back Issues Available
The NYCSHS has a limited supply of previously issued calendars available for purchase. Quantities are limited, so please order soon to ensure we have your calendar in supply! The price is $5.00 each postage paid. Ohio residents must include $.29 sales tax. Please send your order to:
NYCSHS Calendar
Dept W
17038 Roosevelt Ave
Lockport IL 60441-4734
2009 Calendar :: 2005 Calendar :: 2003 Calendar
2002 Calendar :: 2001 Calendar :: 2000 Calendar :: 1999 Calendar
1998 Calendar :: 1990 Calendar :: 1989 Calendar
Central Headlight - 1Q 2009

Humming eastward through Westchester County fall foliage in Scarsdale, New York, T-2b 269 was about nineteen miles west of Grand Central Terminal as it brought a four-car consist over the Bronx River in 1968, several months after the Penn Central merger. The 269 will soon be renumbered to PC 4669. Commuting on the Harlem Division is this issue's cover story. Photo by Dick Herbert.
The 10th Michigan Railroad History Conference - November 7, 2009
For anyone interested in learning more about New York Central operations in Michigan, as well as other aspects of the Wolverine State's railroad history, don't miss the 10th Michigan Railroad History Conference. The Conference will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the Cascade Manor House, Jackson, Michigan. The program includes ten historical presentations and two poster presentations. Lunch will be served. At the completion of the program, we will tour the former Michigan Central Jackson Shop buildings, and other historical sites.
"Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad - Expressway for Industry" - Chuck Geletzke
"NYC, PC, Conrail & NS Dispatching on the Michigan Division 1958 - 2006" - Rahn Stokes
"Michigan Coal and the Rails that moved it". - Mike Delaney
"Lansing - Jackson Interurban Railway" - Norm Krentel
Keynote Presentation: "Runaway Research on the Michigan Central" - Nicholas Marsh
"The Spring Lake Iron Company, the Railroads and Charcoal Production in West Michigan" - Dave Kindem
"A Brief History of the Port Huron and Detroit Railroad" - Sandy Duffy
"A Day in the Life of the Michigan Central's Airline" - Mark Worrall
"Railroad Freight Car Manufacturing and Social Conflicts in Gilded Age Detroit" - Tom Klug
"Ann Arbor Railroad: Ann Arbor to Durand" - Henry Burger
During the luncheon:
Poster Session A: Gaylord Gill: "Deckerville Pere Marquette Depot Project"
Poster Session B: Dale Berry: "MichiganRailroads.com"
For a conference registration form and more information, please visit the Michigan Railroad History Conference web site.
New York Central models by Jim Six

NYC U-class 0-8-0 7744 spots a coal hopper at the local dealer in New Paris, Indiana during the summer of 1955. New York Central enthusiast and modeler Jim Six wanted to share these photos from his HO scale Michigan District layout.

Putnam Division photos from Malcolm Laughlin

Central Headlight - 4Q 2008

Many great subjects will be explored in upcoming 2009 issues (subject to change). The lead story for First Quarter 2009 will be recollections of commuting on the Harlem Division. Following in Second Quarter 2009 will be a story on the construction of Buffalo Central Terminal. Third Quarter 2009 will be a biography of P&LE's John Barriger. Closing out 2009 will be a story about the delivery of the 2500-series GE U-boats. Contact editor Rich Stoving for more information.
The Central Headlight is promptly mailed to all NYCSHS members in good standing -- join today! Many Central Headlight back issues are available, please consult this list to see what we have in stock.
West Side Freight Line transformed into Urban Park
Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/
Hudson Division Photos from Jim Dwyer

Central Headlight - 3Q 2008

Looking forward, the lead story for Fourth Quarter 2008 is part 1 of another two-part article on the fight between the Michigan Central and the Michigan Southern to get to Chicago first.
The following is what is planned for 2009 issues, subject to change: Lead story for First Quarter 2009 will be recollections of commuting on the Harlem Division. Following in Second Quarter 2009 will be a story on the construction of Buffalo Central Terminal. Third Quarter 2009 will be a biography of P&LE's John Barriger. Closing out 2009 will be a storyabout the delivery of the 2500-series GE U-boats. Contact editor Rich Stoving for more information.
Many Central Headlight back issues are available, please consult this list to see what we have in stock.
The Toledo & Ohio Central

In 1885, the line was renamed Toldeo & Ohio Central. Carloadings were up, and the T&OC sought expansion once again. In 1892, the T&OC bought the Toldeo, Columbus & Cincinnati, giving the combined companies two routes between the Ohio River and Toledo. The former TC&C line ran between Toledo and Columbus via Kenton. The line enjoyed modest success, and by 1922 the T&OC was leased by the New York Central. In 1938, the T&OC was formally merged into the New York Central.
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
In 1837, the Michigan Southern was chartered to build a line across the Southern Tier of Michigan to the shore of Lake Michigan at New Buffalo. Construction got as far as Hillsdale, Michigan before the road was sold to private interests. The MS was combined with the Erie & Kalamazoo, and was extended west to meet the Northern Indiana Railroad. The line was opened from Monroe to South Bend in 1851, and reached Chicago by 1852. A joint Chicago terminal was opened with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific at LaSalle Street Station. In 1855, the MS, the E&K, and the NIR were combined as the Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana. At the same time, a route from Elkhart to Toledo was completed.
East of Toledo, the issue of uncomon railroad gauges made expansion difficult. By 1853, the NYC controlled the Buffalo & State Line and the Erie & Northeast railroads. They were combined as the Buffalo & Erie in 1867. The Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula, also known as the "Lake Shore," opened between Erie and Cleveland in 1852. In 1869, the Lake Shore acquired the Cleveland & Toledo, and merged with the MS&NI to become the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Cornelius Vanderbilt acquired the line shortly after.
In 1914, the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, along with several smaller roads, were combined to form the New York Central Railroad.
Central Headlight Back Issues
For issues less than two years old, 1-9 copies:
- $12 per copy to non-members.
- $10 per copy to members.
- $8 per copy, members and non-members.
- $8 per copy, members and non-members.

- PT Tenders
1986 Vol. XVI No. 1
- An Incredible Test: Where Was It?
1986 Vol. XVI No. 3
- Sonoma Train Town's 3" Scale J-1b #5212
- Boston & Albany Milford Branch
1986 Vol. XVI No. 4
- The Hojack in Central New York
1987 Vol. XVII No. 3
- Empire Cars
- Waycars of the Michigan Central Railroad

- Niagaras
- West Side Freight Line
1988 Vol. XVIII No. 3
- The Making of a Legend, Part 1 (Niagaras)
1988 Vol. XVIII No. 4
- Corning, Ohio
- Interludes of Interest at SS 71
- Rail Stress Tests
1989 Vol. XIX No. 2
- Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Ry.
- Central Moved the U.S. Mail
1989 Vol. XIX No. 3
- Afloat on the Great Lakes
- NYC F-12 Ten-Wheelers
1989 Vol. XIX No. 4
- Michigan Central Railroad
- The Kellog Branch
1990 Vol. XX No. 1
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 1
1990 Vol. XX No. 3
- The Fort Wayne Branch Circa 1918
1990 Vol. XX No. 4
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 2
1991 Vol. XXI No. 1
- The Central and the Arts
- The Century Doesn’t Stop Here!
1991 Vol. XXI No. 3
- A Farewell to Steam
- Along the Canada Southern
1991 Vol. XXI No. 4
- Gravity Switching on the Eve of Merger: Part 4

- Pacemaker Freight Service
- The Oil Burners on the Peoria & Eastern
1992 Vol. XXII No. 2
- Memories of Harmon
- Coil Steel Gondolas
1992 Vol. XXII No. 3
- Run of Super Hudson #5408
- More Wheels
1992 Vol. XXII No. 4
- Power Situation on the B&A: 1930-1951
- Sharon Yard: NYC to Conrail

- Surviving Steam Update
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 2
- The Great Steel Fleet: 1946-1968
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 3
- The Fabulous 5500
1993 Vol. XXIII No. 4
- Dean of NYC Agents
- Ohio Central Division
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 1
- Corporate History of the Big Four
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 2
- New York City Traffic, Putnam Division
- Big Four and Michigan Central cabooses
- Peoria & Eastern Locomotives
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 3
- Calling Out the Big Hook
1994 Vol. XXIV No. 4
- Early Super Power – B&A A-1
1995 Vol. XXV No. 1
- 1928 Track Plan and Scoop Test
- Englewood Yard and LS-1
- Lake Erie & Pittsburgh
1995 Vol. XXV No. 2
- Punch Brothers, Punch with Care
1995 Vol. XXV No. 3
- NYC at Woodlawn
- NYC Today: The U&D
- Lake Erie & Pittsburgh
1995 Vol. XXV No. 4
- Big Four Engineman
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 1
- Hudson, Michigan station
- Putnam Division photos
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 2
- There is Danger in the Tunnel
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 3
- Three-Cylinder NYC Locomotives
1996 Vol. XXVI No. 4
- Photographs from the NYC Files
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 1
- Several True Tales of the Central’s Rails
1997 Vol XXVII No. 2
- Speed! Explosion of 7408
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 3
- Photographs from the NYC Files
1997 Vol. XXVII No. 4
- Buffalo Central Terminal

- More Photographs from the NYC Files
1998 Vol. XXVIII No. 2
- MDT Refrigerator Cars
1998 Vol. XXVII No. 3
- Edward L. May
- Coasting into Grand Central
1998 Vol. XXVII No. 4
- Grand Central, Lake Shore Limited
- WWII Oil Trains
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 1
- Broken Rails
- Railroad Experiences
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 2
- DeWitt Engine Terminal
- In the Baggage Car Ahead
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 3
- Railroad Experiences, Part 2
- Perishables to Amsterdam
1999 Vol. XXIX No. 4
- Further Photographs from the NYC Files
2000 Vol. XXX No. 1
- The Boston & Worcester and Western Railroads, 1847: Part 1
2000 Vol. XXX No. 2
- Beech Creek District
2000 Vol. XXX No. 3
- The Boston & Worcester and Western Railroads, 1847: Part 2
2000 Vol. XXX No. 4
- The Late Mohawks: Part 1
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 1
- 100 MPH in 1903
- NYC vs. Amtrak
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 2
- The Late Mohawks: Part 2

- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 1
- Boston & Albany Goes to War
- Ahead on Locomotive
2001 Vol. XXXI No. 4
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 2
- Call Out
- Early Tender Classes
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 1
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 3
- 20th Century Limited 100th Anniversary
- NYC 4600-4700 MU Cars
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 2
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 4
- 753rd Railway Shop Battallion
2002 Vol. XXXII No. 3
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 5
- What Might Have Been: 4-6-6-4
- Messengering DES-3s

- Automatic Train Stop on the NYC
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 1
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 6
- 999 Plaque Dedication
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 2
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 7
- Jamestown & Franklin Railroad
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 3
- Tribute to Grand Central Terminal
2003 Vol. XXXIII No. 4
- CB&Q 30 on NYC
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 1
- Memories of the NYC in Northern New York
- Photos from the NYC Collection

- Young Lion of the West
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 3
- St. Lawrence, Adirondack, Ontario and Ottawa Divisions
2004 Vol. XXXIV No. 4
- Electrification of Suburban Zone: New York City
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 1
- Gulf Curve Reconstruction
- Largest Sleeper Consist
- Photos from the NYC Collection
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 2
- Electrification of the Suburban Zone: New York City; Discussion
2005 Vol. XXXV No. 3
- Timetable No. 37: 1890

- Boater Battles Central
- Last Open Section Car
- Larger Scale
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 1
- My Railroad Career: K.L. Reed
- The Motive Power Situation: 1951
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 2
- The Cleveland Limited
- The Milk Business: St. Lawrence Division
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 3
- NYC Sleeping Car Service
- NYC Lines Magazine: Part 8
2006 Vol. XXXVI No. 4
- Forty Years of Motive Power Progress
2007 Vol. XXXVII No1.
- The Story of the Empire State Express

- The Beauty Queens, Pt. 1 (Early EMD E7’s)
2007 Vol. XXXVII No. 3
- Steam Locomotive Number Plates Carrying the New York Central Oval
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 1
- Charles A. Erler – Portrait of a Railroad Man
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 2
- The First Trip of the Empire State Express
2008 Vol. XXXVIII No. 3
- Robert R. Young Takes Aim at New York Central, Pt. 1

2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 1
- Commuting on the Harlem Division
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 2
- Buffalo Central Terminal
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 3
- Papa John (John W. Barriger)
2009 Vol. XXXIX No. 4
- The GE Rider, Pt. 1 (Delivery of three new U25B locomotives)
2010 Vol. XL No. 1
- Maurice E. Lewman, Railroader
2010 Vol. XL No. 2
- Dining Aboard the Postwar Great Steel Fleet

- New York Central in 1950 Railroad Industry
2010 Vol. XL No. 4
- The Boston & Albany Railroad Stations of Henery Hobson Richardson
2011 Vol. XLI No 1
- Pennsylvania Division Operations at the Close of the Steam Era; Tales of 466, Pt. 1
2011 Vol. XLI No. 2
- NYC Marine Operations in New York Harbor, Parts 1 and 2; Bringing the Mohawk Home; Tales of 466, Part 2
2011 Vol. XLI No. 3
- Railroading on the Harlem Division with Engineer Robert B. Palmer; Hudson Division Cab Ride; Tales of 466, Part 3
2011 Vol. XLI No. 4
- Steam's Winter Glory; NYC Marine Operations in New York Harbor Part 3; Charlie Hogan Broadcast